Institute of Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment

发布时间:2018-11-06  字体大小T|T
Director: Professor Zhang Lei
Deputy director: Professor Zhang Wu
A Brief Introduction to the Discipline:
       As a basic and theoretical part of atmospheric science, Atmospheric Physics is a science which not only studies the physical processes, phenomenon and evolution rules of atmosphere, but also explores the principles and methods of atmosphere. It studies many atmospheric phenomena including acoustic images, light images, electricity images of atmosphere, radiation processes, clouds and precipitation processes, processes of atmospheric boundary layer and phenomenon in stratosphere and middle atmosphere.    
       Atmospheric Environment is a science which studies not only the physical processes of transmission, diffusion and sedimentation of pollutants and micro-constituents, but also the chemical conversion processes in atmosphere, which includes the formation and revolution of terrestrial atmosphere, circulation of micro-constituents, atmosphere photo-chemistry of stratosphere, photo-chemistry of troposphere, the generation and evolution of aerosol and its influence on the atmosphere, precipitation chemistry, global changes caused by the interactions between geosphere and biosphere.       
       Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment major include following sub-disciplines:  atmospheric adiation, atmospheric boundary-layer meteorology, atmospheric sound photo-electricity physics, atmospheric observation, atmospheric remote sensing (radar meteorology, satellite meteorology, radio meteorology), physics of clouds and rains, atmospheric physics of stratosphere and mesosphere, atmospheric chemistry and air pollution meteorology. These disciplines formed the foundation of Atmospheric Sciences and played their unique roles in many fields concerning national economy and national defense.
       Based on physics, mathematics, chemistry, hydro-mechanics, radio electronics and computer science technology, atmospheric physics and disciplines of atmospheric environment take atmospheric phenomenon and processes as research subjects, intersect and penetrate with each sub-discipline of meteorology; share close relations with disciplines such as space physics, bio-geochemistry and radio communication; support and expand the development and application of contemporary high-technology, enlarge the research areas gradually.       
       Master programs for atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment were approved in 1993 while doctor programs for the first-level discipline of atmospheric sciences, atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment were approved in December of 2000.
Research Scope of the Discipline:
       Atmospheric boundary layer and atmospheric diffusion, atmospheric radiation, atmospheric aerosol, atmospheric environment and environmental assessment, atmospheric detection principles and methods, atmospheric remote sensing, atmospheric turbulence, etc.
Development Target:
       Postgraduates should be equipped with solid basic theoretical knowledge about atmospheric physics, meteorology and atmospheric environment; have a good knowledge of the research development and future trend about atmospheric physics and atmospheric environment; master atmospheric detection methods and own the ability to deal with related data; develop the ability to simulate related atmospheric processes by computers; learn a foreign language skillfully which can be used in reading and writing papers concerning his/her own major; be qualified to provide works of teaching, scientific research and technical management in colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and business departments.
Main Research Directions:
1. Atmospheric boundary layer and atmospheric diffusion;
2. Atmospheric radiation and remote sensing;
3. Atmospheric pollution and assessment on environmental quality;
4. Meteorological information processing.