Yang Yi

发布时间:2024-08-25  字体大小T|T

(Last updated: Nov. 01, 2018)
General Information:
Name: Yi Yang 
Address: School of Atmospheric Sciences,Lanzhou University
NO.222, Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou City 730000, Gansu Province, China
E-mail address: yangyi@lzu.edu.cn
Ph.D. 2007:   Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (meteorology)
Thesis:  Study on the Techniques for Assimilation of Doppler Radar data
Thesis advisor: Professor Chongjian Qiu (qiucj@lzu.edu.cn)
B.S.  2002:  Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China (meteorology)
Research Experience:

May 2015 – present


Lanzhou University, School of Atmospheric Sciences

Lanzhou, China

Jun 2017 – Jun 2018

Visiting Scientist

University of Oklahoma, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS)

Norman, Oklahoma, United States

May 2010 – Apr 2015

Professor (Associate)

Lanzhou University, School of Atmospheric Sciences

Lanzhou, China

Jul 2008 – Sep 2009

Visiting Scientist

University of Oklahoma, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS)

Norman, Oklahoma, United States

Oct 2007 – Apr 2010


Lanzhou University, School of Atmospheric Sciences

Lanzhou, China

Teaching Experience:

2007 – present

Undergraduate course:Numerical Weather Prediction, Numerical Analysis

School of Atmospheric Sciences, Lanzhou University

Lanzhou, China

Research Interests:
Data assimilation
Doppler radar wind retrieval
Simulation and prediction of MCS
Research Grants:
PI,“Construction of high spatiotemporal resolution climate field with dynamic underlying surface information and nudging method”. National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China, Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2020, ¥680,000, funded, (No. 41675098).
PI, “Diagnose planetary boundary layer heights (PBLH) from ground-based and airborne Lidar data and improve boundary layer forecasting by assimilating the diagnosed PBLH”. National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China, Jan. 2014 – Dec. 2017, ¥850,000, funded, (No.41375109).
PI, “Study on the Techniques for Assimilation of lightning data”.  National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China, Jan. 2012 – Dec. 2015, ¥630,000, funded, (No.41175092).
PI, “Improving efficiency for assimilation of Doppler radar data with EnKF”. National Natural Science Foundation (NSF) of China, Jan. 2009 – Dec. 2011, ¥200,000, funded, (No.40805044).
34. Ma, Y., Yang, Y*. & Wang. How essential of the balance between large and small scale features to reproduce precipitation during a sudden sharp turn from drought to flood. Climate Dynamics (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-018-4445-3
33.Gan R, Yang Y*, Ma Y. Modelling the impacts of the Pacific Ocean sea surface temperature anomalies on a drought event in southwestern China with a piecewise‐integration method. Int J Climatol. 2018;1–15. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.5843   
32.Wang Y, Yang, Y*, Jin S. Evaluation of Lightning Forecasting Based on One Lightning Parameterization Scheme and Two Diagnostic Methods[J]. Atmosphere, 2018, 9(3),99.
31.Liu P, Qiu X, Yang, Y *, et al. Assessment of the Performance of Three Dynamical Climate Downscaling Methods Using Different Land Surface Information over China[J]. Atmosphere, 2018, 9(3):101.
30.Li, H., Y. Yang*, R. Dang, Comparison of Boundary Layer Heights Retrieved by Space-Based and Ground-Based Data. Laser&Opto electronics Progress, 2017,54(6). (In Chinese)
29.Li, H., Y. Yang*, X.-M. Hu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, B. Zhang, and T. Zhang, Evaluation of retrieval methods of daytime convective boundary layer height based on lidar data, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2017, 122, 4578–4593, doi:10.1002/2016JD025620.
28.Li, H., Y. Yang*, X.-M. Hu, Z. Huang, G. Wang, and B. Zhang: Application of convective condensation level limiter in convective boundary layer height retrieval based on lidar data, Atmosphere 2017, 8(4), 79; doi:10.3390/atmos8040079
27. Wang, Y., Yi Yang*, Dongxia Liu, Dongbin Zhang, Wen Yao, Chenghai Wang: A Case Study of Assimilating Lightning-Proxy Relative Humidity with WRF-3DVAR. Atmosphere 03/2017; 8(3):20., DOI:10.3390/atmos8030055
26. Ma, Y., Yi Yang*, Xiaoping Mai, Chongjian Qiu, Xiao Long, Chenghai Wang: Comparison of Analysis and Spectral Nudging Techniques for Dynamical Downscaling with the WRF Model over China. Advances in Meteorology 01/2016; 2016(2-3):1-16., DOI:10.1155/2016/4761513
25.Lili Yang, Yi Yang*, Peng Liu, Lina Wang: Radar-Derived Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Based on Precipitation Classification. Advances in Meteorology 01/2016; 2016(11):1-16., DOI:10.1155/2016/2457489
24.Ruijun Dang, Hong Li, Zhiguo Liu, Yi Yang*: Statistical Analysis of Relationship between Daytime Lidar-Derived Planetary Boundary Layer Height and Relevant Atmospheric Variables in the Semiarid Region in Northwest China. Advances in Meteorology 01/2016; 2016(3):1-13., DOI:10.1155/2016/5375918
23.Yang Lili, Wang Ying, Yang Yi*: The study of using WRF 3D-Var to assimilate the retrieval wind fields from Doppler radar data. Journal of Glaciology & Geocryology, 2016, 38(1):107-114, doi: 10.7522/j.isnn.1000-0240.2016.0012. (In Chinese)
22. Gan R, Ma Y, Yang Y et al. Statistical Characteristic of Sudden Nocturnal Warming Events in Lanzhou Region [J]. Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2016, 52(5):625-659. (In Chinese)
21. Han W, Yang L, Yang Y. * Application of C-band Weather Radar Data in Heavy Precipitation Process [J]. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2016, 34(1):154-162. (In Chinese)
20.Kefeng Zhu, Yi Yang, Ming Xue*: Percentile-based neighborhood precipitation verification and its application to a landfalling tropical storm case with radar data assimilation. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 11/2015; 32(11)., DOI:10.1007/s00376-015-5023-9
19.Yuanyuan Ma, Yi Yang*, Xiao-Ming Hu, Ruhui Gan: Characteristics and mechanisms of the sudden warming events in the nocturnal atmospheric boundary layer: A case study using WRF. Journal of Meteorological Research, 10/2015; 29(5):747-763., DOI:10.1007/s13351-015-4101-3
18.Yi Yang*, Ying Wang, Kefeng Zhu: Assimilation of Chinese Doppler Radar and Lightning Data Using WRF-GSI: A Case Study of Mesoscale Convective System. Advances in Meteorology 03/2015; 2015., DOI:10.1155/2015/763919
17.Feimin Zhang, Yi Yang, Chenghai Wang*: The effects of assimilating conventional and ATOVS data on forecasted near-surface wind with WRF-3DVAR. Monthly Weather Review 01/2015; 143(1):153-164., DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00038.1
16.Wang Ying, Yang Yi*, Qiu Xiaobin: Assimilating Cloud-to-ground Lightning Data Using Ensemble Square Root Filter. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2015, 33(5)761-768. (In Chinese)
15.LI Hong, MA Yuanyuan, YANG Yi*: Study on Retrieval of Boundary Layer Height Using Wavelet Transformation Method Basd on Lidar Data. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2015, 33(1): 78-97(In Chinese)
14.Yang Lili, Yang Yi*, Zhang Tinglong, et al.: Analyzing a Heavy Rainfall Process Based on Dual-Doppler Radar and Lightning Data. Plateau Meteorology, 2015, 34(2):546-555(In Chinese)
13.Ying Wang, Yi Yang*, Chenghai Wang: Improving forecasting of strong convection by assimilating cloud-to-ground lightning data using the physical initialization method. Atmospheric Research 12/2014; 150:31–41., DOI:10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.06.017
12.HAN Wenyu, YANG Lili, YANG Yi*: Retrieval of Doppler Radar Data and Warning Analysis During a Severe Convection Process. Journal of Arid Meteorology, 2014, 32(5): 810-818. (in Chinese)
11.Yuanyuan MA, Yang Yi*, Xiao-ming HU, et al.: Evaluation of Three Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization Schemes in WRF Model for the February 28th, 2007 Gust Episode in Xinjiang. Desert & Oasis Meteorology, 2014,8(3):8-18. (In Chinese)
10.Yi Yang*, Xin Chen, Youcun Qi: Classification of convective/stratiform echoes in radar reflectivity observations using a fuzzy logic algorithm. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 02/2013; 118(4)., DOI:10.1002/jgrd.50214
9.Yang Yi*, Gong Zhongqiang, Wang Jinyan, Liu xinhua: Time-expanded sampling approach for Ensemble Kalman Filter: Experiment assimilation of simulated soundings. Journal of Meteorological Research 10/2011; 25(5)., DOI:10.1007/s13351-011-0502-0.
8.Xunming Wang*, Fahu Chen, Jiawu Zhang, Yi Yang, Jijun Li, Eerdun Hasi, Caixia Zhang, Dunsheng Xia: Climate, Desertification, and the Rise and Collapse of China’s Historical Dynasties. Human Ecology 02/2010; 38(1):157-172., DOI:10.1007/s10745-009-9298-2
7.Xunming Wang*, Yi Yang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang: Responses of dune activity and desertification in China to global warming in the twenty-first century. Global and Planetary Change 06/2009; 67(3):167-185., DOI:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2009.02.004
6.YANG Yi, QIU Chongjian*, GONG Jiandong, HUANG Jing: The WRF 3DVar System Combined with Physical Initialization for Assimilation of Doppler Radar Data. Journal of Meteorological Research 04/2009; 23(2):129-139.
5.YANG Yi, C. Qiu*, J. Gong, and S. Xi, Study on Doppler Radar Data Assimilation via 3D-Var, Scientia Meteorologica Sinica, 2008,28 (2):124-132. (In Chinese)
4.YANG Yi, C. Qiu*, J. Gong, L. Deng, and S. Xi: Comparison of two methods of assimilating Doppler Radar Wind Data, Plateau Meteorology, 2007, 26(3):547-555. (In Chinese)
3.Yi Yang, Chongjian Qiu*, Jiandong Gong: Physical initialization applied in WRF-Var for assimilation of Doppler radar data. Geophysical Research Letters 11/2006; 332(22), DOI:10.1029/2006GL027656
2.YANG Yi and QIU Chongjian* : Analysis of Mesoscale Circulations within a Heavy Rain System Using Doppler-Radar Data, Plateau Meteorology, 2006,25(5):925-931. (In Chinese)
1. YANG Yi and QIU Chongjian*: Comparison of Gridding Schemes for Doppler Radar Data, Arid Meteorology, 2004, 22(2):6-10. (In Chinese)

